Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:28)

This African Village Was Transformed!
In March 2024, God answered the long-awaited prayers of Jakalanda Village (located at TA Mtema in Lilongwe, Malawi). Their lives will never be the same since the RTH Malawi Team led an outreach in their village.
We installed a water well — providing clean drinking water for the many men, women, and children living there. Then after serving them physically, we touched villagers' lives spiritually by showcasing the Jesus Film and preaching the Word of God to them — after which many souls were saved.
Next, RTH Malawi Staff McDonnex, Joshua, and I taught Shepherd Leadership Training while RTH Malawi Ministry Partners Martha & Tiwonge taught Women's Health Training. So often, there is a competition for gathering numbers, not making disciples. Worldly religions in Malawi have resulted in so many people going to church only to hold onto their selfish doctrines, rather than God's Word. To combat this, our trainings focus on:
Uprooting cultural idolization.
Breaking down denominational barriers.
Building up fellowship among Bible Study Group Leaders & Members.
Emphasizing discipline and leadership: "You are there to serve, not to be served."
Discipling not just church members but also those not currently going to church.
Encouraging teamwork.
Many Bible Study Group Leaders attended and rededicated their lives to Jesus — particularly after having their eyes opened by Reaching The Hungry's Bible-based curriculum. A sense of unity emerged amongst the BSG Leaders as they realized their focus should not be on competing for larger numbers in gatherings but rather their focus should be on discipling others just as the Great Commission commands.
Here in Malawi, we have been hit by climate disasters that have negatively impacted our economy so severely that it is difficult for most to buy a Bible. So when we gifted Bibles to the Bible Study Group Leaders in attendance, the Leaders received them with great joy saying, "Now a soldier has a weapon for the spiritual battle." Thank you Pastor Carlos and the Reaching The Hungry family in the USA. It is your continued prayer & partnership that made it possible for the African village of Jakalanda to be transformed!
Want to help us expand the reach of our ministry in Malawi?