The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Wake Up Every Morning Believing This...
We wake up every morning loved by a God who is good and who wants good things for us. This God is the owner of everything in the cosmos. Everything is at His disposal, and He has put us in His story for the singular purpose of bearing His image. If we wake up every morning believing this, we can be sure that His Son Jesus is enough, and we can devote ourselves to worshiping Him with all that we have.
Money is just a reflection of what we’re being motivated by. And the deeper we press into that idea and recognize this, the more we are transformed into His likeness. And so, giving brings transformation in us – in our families, our businesses, our communities, our churches, and our relationships. Yes, we know giving can feed hungry people, and that can bring the Gospel to people who desperately need it, but it also transforms our lives.
So, we become more shaped into the image of this generous God.
2 Corinthians tells us that as we become more transformed into His image, He will continue to provide us with the resources we need to press even deeper into his story. A biblical principle is “time is of the essence,” because why wait? Giving isn’t about what gets you saved. It’s about getting as much of that John 10:10 life – that is truly life – as we can get. It’s about being as faithful and generous and as fully alive as we can be right now in the present Kingdom of God, even as God prepares us to be who we will be forever.
That’s the eternal consequence of living according to God’s plan, and even God’s plan about how we use our money. There’s an order to the story our biblical principles tell, and it’s a story that we hope is developing in the lives of all of our givers.
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