Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalms 106:1)
The Journey to Opening Day
My name is Joshua and I joined Reaching The Hungry's Malawi Staff in 2023 to supervise the launch and operations of our medicine store here in Lilongwe, Malawi (Africa). The goal for the store is to generate financial resources locally that support Reaching The Hungry's ministry in Malawi.
The journey to opening day was difficult. We hit many roadblocks in the early days — especially when were getting the business registered with the Malawian government's Pharmacy Board. To get the store authorized to sell medicine, we needed to work very hard to ensure that our store would be able to meet all of their strict requirements.
When we began our search for a large enough space to rent, we looked at many streets, markets, and malls. Once we found a nice location, we began paying the rent and moving everything we needed inside. The paperwork was extensive and the registration process took a long time but after readying the space, our team was confident we had transformed it into a sufficiently spacious and pleasant establishment. We invited the pharmacy board inspectors to visit and after their inspection, we were thrilled to receive our authorization document — enabling us to begin placing inventory orders and preparing for opening day!
Our Malawi Medicine Store is Open
We intended to open the shop in December 2023, but the closure of numerous pharmaceutical companies during the holiday season forced us to begin in January. Yet, God's timing is perfect, and it was 2024 that saw the opening of Reaching The Hungry's Medicine Store on January 2nd.
We were delighted to see this dream come true. It was wonderful to have one of RTH's Malawi Board Members, Mr. Bright Chikomola, to join us in celebrating the official open of the medicine store. We were also thrilled to bring aboard Landilani & Blessings as our store's pharmacy techs!
Thank You
Throughout this journey, it was difficult to understand why we hit so many roadblocks, but as we look back, we see that God was battling for us, not against us, and that he deserves all the praise and acclaim. We believe God has a wonderful and grand plan for Reaching The Hungry's Medicine Store. I thank Him for surrounding me with such a supportive team. We worked very hard to see opening day arrive so finally getting to celebrate is a blessing to everyone on RTH's Malawi Staff and volunteer team. Finally, our Malawi Medicine Store is open and I pray that it has great success in generating financial resources to support & grow our ministry in Malawi. From myself and everyone else here, we want to express our deepest gratitude to Reaching The Hungry family of donors & prayer warriors for your great support in making this project possible. Thank you so much!
Want to help us see our ministry in Malawi expand even further?