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Serving in Davao City, Philippines

Hi there! My name is Alwood Wick, and my wife Rosie and I have been based in Davao City, Philippines since 2014. We have been Reaching The Hungry’s mission partners in the Philippines since 2016.

I am Filipino American and Rosie is British. I met my beautiful wife Rosie on the steps of our church back in 1996 while I was doing car park duty in a fluorescent yellow jacket. Love at first sight — even in that outfit! In the almost 30 years that have followed, God has blessed us with 5 children through birth and 2 through adoption.

Rosie and I have known since our dating years that international missions are God's call for our lives — and specifically to Davao City. We stayed and served on the south coast of England for 18 years at our local church in youth and children’s work, pastoral leads of discipleship and oversaw the management of the church facility until we knew Gods timing had met His call, and we moved to Davao City permanently with our then 4 children and our 11 week old baby.

During our time here, we have had the honor and joy of being involved in:

  • Pioneering church plants in 3 locations

  • Initiating children, youth and sports outreaches

  • Managing emergency aid relief

  • Speaking at marriage retreats

  • Discipling, training and sending out local believers

  • Providing pastoral support for local pastors

  • Sponsoring 120+ students' education which led to being given the oversight of an educational sponsorship and tutoring NGO in the inner city.

The church we have planted in three locations so far is named Davao Alive. God has placed within us a passion for His body being a place of family and community, where faith and love are outworked all week not just on Sundays. In His time we believe the number of Davao Alive community churches will be multiplied across the city and region of Davao to effectively reach this area for Jesus’ glory.

Our partnership with Reaching The Hungry has been vital to the work of the Kingdom in Davao. The sending of shipments of clothing for emergency aid & sports outreach distribution, audio Bibles for Bible studies in the local dialect, and the repeated short term missions trips bringing encouragement & support to our team and communities have been a massive blessing.

The regular financial support towards our family’s needs and one-off gifts towards key developmental projects — which include a ministry vehicle, the purchase of land for a missions base and the building of a parsonage — have been critical to both our family’s ability to stay on the mission field and to the development of the vision God has charged us with. 

Every breakthrough, salvation and opportunity to love, disciple and send out local believers is a harvest of joy we share with seeds sown in partnership with Reaching the Hungry. In word and deed, all for His glory!

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